This series focuses on unique struggles faced by women today. Themes of inadequacy, consent, conformity, sexism, and body standards are illustrated in this grouping of paintings. They place specific emphasis on topics including power dynamics, gender roles, and patriarchal structures. The use of vibrant colors and patterns creates a visual language that seeks to be both captivating and subversive. The combination of figurative forms and abstract elements creates a surreal, dreamlike quality that invites the viewer to engage with the artwork on multiple levels.
Growth and Constraint, 2022
Acrylic and Oil on canvas
36 x 48 Inches
Acrylic and Oil on canvas
36 x 48 Inches
Stuffed, 2022
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 24 Inches
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
30 x 24 Inches
Conformity, 2022
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
16 x 20 Inches
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
16 x 20 Inches
Femanine Orange, 2023
Oil on Canvas
18 x 18 Inches
Femanine Blue, 2023
Oil on Canvas
18 x 18 Inches
Femanine Purple, 2023
Oil on Canvas
18 x 18 Inches
Come a Little Closer, 2023
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
8 x 10 Inches
Look Here, 2023
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
36 x 24 inches
Taken Advantage, 2022
Acrylic and Oil on canvas
36 x48 Inches
Acrylic and Oil on canvas
36 x48 Inches
Semiotics of the Kitchen, 2022
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
36 x 36 Inches
Oil and Acrylic on Canvas
36 x 36 Inches
Physical Touch, 2021
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
36 x 36 Inches
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
36 x 36 Inches
The Eventuality of Destiny, 2021
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
46 x 30 Inches
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
46 x 30 Inches
Endless Cycle, 2021
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
48 x 48 Inches
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
48 x 48 Inches
Down the Rabbit Hole, 2021
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
30 x 24 Inches
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
30 x 24 Inches
Life and Death, 2021
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
24 x 30 Inches
Acrylic and Oil on Canvas
24 x 30 Inches
Q&A about the series and artist
What was your thought process in titling the series ‘Optical’?
The title “Optical” was chosen with purpose for this series. The series, while undoubtedly influenced by the optical art movement, extends beyond mere aesthetic exploration. It serves as a lens through which to examine and articulate the intricacies of the blatantly visible challenges that women grapple with in our contemporary societal landscape. It becomes an experience for the eye, with its emphasis on visual perception and illusion, the interplay of shapes, colors, and patterns within the series. The word optical not only pays homage to optical art but also serves as a metaphorical language to visually convey the multifaceted experiences we visibly see in our society.
What art concepts or personal experiences have most influenced your creative practice?
The main sources of inspiration that have influenced my work would be my engagement with life observation and my immersion in two of the most physique-centric industries, the worlds of ballet and modeling. This series deeply draws from personal experience, and regrettably, the themes resonate with the shared narratives of countless women. Within the series, I delve into themes of gender roles, the pervasive discomfort within our own bodies, the palpable fear of solitary street strolls, and an array of so many other emotions and incidences that come with being a woman.
What themes or topics do you tackle in your compositions? Who or what do you make art for?
I navigate themes such as inadequacy, consent, conformity, sexism, gender roles, and body standards within my artistic pursuits. While my creative endeavors spring from a primal urge to create, the dual purpose emerges—to satiate my innate drive for expression and to cast a spotlight on issues that often linger in the shadows of public discourse. The act of creation, for me, is a deeply personal exploration that extends its reach beyond the confines of my own experiences, reaching out to engage the broader public in dialogues that resonate with shared societal challenges and triumphs.
How do geometric and figurative elements interact in your compositions?
The interplay of geometric and figurative forms in my work creates a dynamic that hints to a negative force at play. Within the canvas, a recurring theme emerges—figurative elements seemingly compressed, pulled, or confined by the assertive presence of optical elements. This intentional interaction serves as a visual narrative, evoking a tension that prompts contemplation on the intricate relationship between form and perception. Adding to this visual dialogue, the bright colors of the figurative elements serve as a stark contrast to the black and white geometric forms, intensifying the distinctions between the two. This deliberate use of color amplifies the visual impact, creating a heightened sense of tension that invites viewers to explore the nuanced interplay between vibrant expression and geometric constraint within the composition.
What do you view as the importance of representing female experiences in the fine art world?
The representation of female experiences within the fine art realm holds profound significance. Through my paintings, I aspire to illuminate the intricacies of female experiences, aiming to cast a spotlight on societal issues that demand attention and resolution. It's a visual dialogue that extends beyond representation, seeking to prompt reflection and positive change within our shared life experiences. This desire for change is rooted in my hope for a brighter future, especially for the younger generation. As an aunt to two young girls, I envision a world where they won't encounter the same challenges I faced as a woman. Through my art, I hope to instigate moments of contemplation so that my nieces can grow up in a world that embraces equality and understanding.
Why do you make the art that you do?
I create the art I do because it's my way of navigating the complexities of the human experience. Art allows me to express emotions, tell stories, and explore themes that resonate with me deeply. It's a form of personal exploration and a means of connecting with others on a profound level. Additionally, I'm driven to use my art as a platform for social commentary, addressing issues that I believe deserve attention and encouraging conversations that can lead to positive change. Ultimately, the act of creating art is a fundamental part of who I am, a way to make sense of the world and contribute something meaningful to it.
What effect or message do you hope your art imparts on viewers?
I aspire for my art to evoke a range of emotions and reflections in viewers. I want them to feel a connection to the themes and narratives I explore, sparking contemplation about their own experiences and the shared human journey. Beyond aesthetics, I hope my art serves as a catalyst for conversations—prompting discussions about societal issues, equality, and the diverse stories that shape us. Ultimately, I aim to leave a lasting impression that lingers in the minds of viewers, fostering a sense of empathy, understanding, and, ideally, inspiring positive change. If my art can contribute to a broader dialogue and, in some way, make the world a more compassionate and reflective place, then I consider my creative endeavor to be truly meaningful.